The Imperfect Beauty of the Sublime

In a world of rising sea levels, catastrophic climate change and where societies are out of sync with natural cycles, developing a process of connecting, or more deeply communing with nature through an immersive process of making, seems important. This work explores the impact of the i-device through ideas of engagement/dis-engagement, ‘being in the moment,’ and approaches to making that extend the i-device beyond merely capturing a scene. 

While the project draws on personal experience, the aim being a healing and cathartic experience, the works produced are – as with all conscious acts –inherently political. The work explores ways the i-device could be used to create an immersive experience, experimenting with how the device could enhance our appreciation and engagement with the natural environment rather than as a distraction that disconnected us from being ‘in the moment’.

The process involved instantaneous layering of exposures: as the image is made, the layering process is visible & interactive. Movement and blur are due to the subtle movements of nature and the maker. As one moves – whether intentionally or not - the image evolves; each breath taken is reflected in the final image. One’s physiological response to the landscape is recorded as part of the image.

Click the image below to download the catalogue.